Saturday, December 10, 2016

How To : Balancing Your Life //

Dear Readers,
It's always the way, nothing comes around when you have little to hold you back. Yet the moment life starts to get a little busy, you find yourself being thrown new opportunities left, right and centre. I am the type of person who just can't seem to say no. I enjoy pleasing others, but there is point when it all gets too much, when being a 'yes' person is harmful to my balance.

This is something which hinders us all at one point or another in our lives. It can be somewhat disheartening to have to say no or to remove ourselves from a situation because it is not good for our inner peace.

But saying no doesn't have to be a bad thing. It is important to focus your attention on things which are essential to your development. Strategise what will be most beneficial to your life and what can be put to the bottom of your list.

Recently I found that I was trying to balance studying full time in London, paying for a house, working back at home (West Sussex) during weekends and maintaining content on my blog. Something had to change because it felt unnatural to have to do all those things and still work to a high standard

A couple of weeks ago I was contacted very last minute to come and do work experience with heat magazine. I did way up the pros and cons of doing it during such a ridiculously busy time, but I came to the conclusion that it was an offer I just could not refuse. I had to just deal with the fact that it did sit in the middle of a lot of deadlines and exam preparation. I am however, so glad I took that opportunity and seized that moment because I gained a lot of knowledge and hands on experience about the industry I want to work in.

Not only is it good to say 'yes' to things that will bring you closer to your goals in life, it is ok to say 'no' to commitments and offers so that you can find time to just relax.

I think that is the most important part of finding balance. You must have a moment in each day to really relax, otherwise you can become this unproductive zombie that moans at every task they have been set to do


Here is a list of things I do to keep my balance: 

Write Lists - Clear your mind of any mental clutter and get it all out onto one piece of paper or in the notes section of your phone. Keeping it all in one place will also prevent your desk area from getting messy. After all a clean work space means a clean mind.

Get Comfy - Get home and get into clothes that feel comfortable. I love putting on my favourite pyjamas, a good pair of socks or slippers and taking my makeup off. 

Empower Yourself - This is along the same lines as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Visualise yourself somewhere that is free from any stress or burden. Find a minute in your day to just close your eyes and breath.

Eat Well - Now this doesn't mean you need to eat super healthy. It does mean you need to find the time to eat and drink so that you have enough energy to get through your day productively. Even treating yourself to a Starbucks Gingerbread Latte after a long day in the office is the perfect way to recentre your balance. Everything in moderation though.

Switch Off - I am seriously guilty of not removing myself from my phone. I am constantly scrolling through feeds, reading blogs and watching YouTube videos in any spare minutes I have. It's ok to do it a couple of times a day, but try not to overindulge on your apps. Instead pick up a book or magazine.

Exercise - Probably the most important thing I do to maintain balance is doing regular exercise. I'm not signed up to a fancy gym that cost a fortune, instead I workout in the comfort of my own home with my trusty 7 Minutes app which I have been using for nearly three years now. It is the perfect pick me up, even after a long day at uni. Find something that works for you, like a yoga DVD or an app and stick to it. You will feel the endorphins working on your mood. 


Stay Sweet,


Alice xx 






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